Adrian Kemmer Cernev

Research and Publications

Research Gate

Social network focused on professionals in scientific fields and researchers.

Worldwide platform for sharing academic articles and documents.


Social Science Research Network

SSRN allows worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.


Google Scholar Citations

Indexing system of scientific production by Google.



Publications and research published through this professional social network.


Access to the Brazilian academic curriculum on Lattes platform, with general data, training, performance, projects & productions, events and citations.

Short bio on the website of the São Paulo School of Business Administration of the Getulio Vargas Foundation.

Professional Curriculum
Curriculum vitæ with records of executive achievements and extracurricular activities.

Other academic links

Identification number ORCID 0000-0002-6300-3976.
Identification number ResearcherID D-6006-2014.