Adrian Kemmer Cernev

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Educational background, personal
interests and professional activities.


Adrian Kemmer Cernev

Short bio

He is a professor, researcher and business consultant, with experience in institutions and companies of technology, knowledge and marketing, mainly in areas such as IT, e-commerce, telecommunications and general administration. He was also an executive of multinational companies and entrepreneur in the telecommunications sector.


Teaching and research activities

Professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-EAESP) since 2004, he has teaching experience in other universities and business schools in Brazil, such as FIAP, INSPER, PUC-SP and FEI. Currently he conducts research projects with the Microfinance and Financial Inclusion Research Center (GVcemif). He was visiting scholar at the Universtity of California at Berkeley, at the School of Information, between 2015 and 2016.

Educational background

He holds a Doctor (PhD) and Master (MSc) degrees in Business Administration by FGV-EAESP, with thesis on mobile banking & digital payments in Brazil. Adrian also attended extension courses at Harvard Business School and School of Information at UC Berkeley. For his complete background, visit his full academic curriculum (Lattes), also with English version.

Business activities

Working with leading companies in their sectors, Adrian conducts consulting and business advisory activities, including innovation projects and technical reports for legal purposes. He is also enthusiastic about emerging technologies such as mobile and blockchain, and their potential to foster real digital transformation in business models. For further information, please contact me.

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Here you may find some of my recent
Personal interests
Blockchain Business and Cryptoassets

How business models are being transformed by emerging technologies.

Fintechs and Digital Payments

The role of financial & tech startups fostering efficiency in digital payments.

E-Business and Development

How the emergence of digital business supports social and local development.

Enophilia and gastronomy

Because we are human and want to seek excellence in everything!